
Knee Replacement: How Can Your Senior Loved One Recover After Surgery?


If your loved one recently underwent knee replacement surgery, you may have a number of concerns about their recovery. One of the concerns that may plague you is time. Although the surgery itself may not take long to perform, the recovery period may take some time to complete. During the recovery period, your loved one may experience a few things that could make it difficult for them to eat, move about, or feel comfortable at home.

27 September 2018

A Memory Care Facility That Will Aid Your Father While He Deals With Alzheimer's


You want the best for your father, because after all, he cared for you throughout your life, but knowing that you do not have the resources necessary to aid your dad in his battle against Alzheimer's can be devastating. Reach out for help through an Alzheimer's care facility and gradually transition your loved one into their new environment. Learn About Memory Care A memory care facility provides comprehensive treatment for residents who are suffering from dementia.

21 August 2018

How An Assisted Elderly Living Environment Can Be The Best Option


If you have an aging loved one that you feel is no longer capable of living on his or her own anymore, you will want to start to look into the assisted elderly living options in your area. This can be a hard decision to make, especially if you are not familiar with how such homes work and what you can expect for your elderly loved one while they stay there.

24 July 2018

Are You Eligible For Medicaid?


Medicaid is a widely used federal healthcare program. While the program has been in existence for many years, there are some people who can take advantage of the benefit that might not even realize it's an option. Do you know if you are eligible for Medicaid? Learn about some of the qualification criteria that are considered during the eligibility process. Income Above anything else, a primary function of this federal health care program is to ensure that everyone has access to quality health care, including those people in the population that might not be able to afford healthcare on their own.

24 July 2018

3 Benefits Of Taking Your RBT Courses Online


If you are hoping to take an RBT course so that you can get your certification to work with mentally handicapped children, then you might be really excited about going back to school so that you can pursue this goal. One thing that you might still be trying to decide, however, is where you should take this course. Some people prefer to take these courses at local technical or community colleges, but you should know that it is also possible to take RBT courses online with organizations like New Way Day Services.

23 July 2018

When Your Spouse Has Memory Problems: What To Do If You Think It May Be Alzheimer's


Watching your spouse go through any pain or problem is difficult, but if you suspect a serious decline in memory could indicate something like Alzheimer's, you have a heavy load to bear. You can't ignore the problem, as it won't go away, and you've got to reach out for the help and support that both of you need. Start Documenting The Changes You Observe Because minor memory issues can sometimes be attributed to age, stress and other factors, you don't want to jump to any immediate conclusions; however, as a concerned spouse, it's important to keep track of the changes you see and how frequently memory impairments are getting in the way of life:

19 July 2018

Do You Need Living Assistance?


Old age can bring with it a heightened self-awareness and a compulsion to make necessary changes without waiting too long. However, admitting that you're no longer capable of many activities is disappointing, and frankly, scary at times. When should you realize living assistance could help? 1-You're Forgetting Meds Memory fades, especially in senior years. You may have suspected memory loss and took action, getting a pill organizer or setting alarms for your medications.

17 July 2018

4 Hidden Dangers Associated With Bed Sores


When someone is laying in a single position for too long, they can develop sores on their body. These are commonly known as "bed sores," and though they may not always seem to be urgent, they can be very dangerous. If left unchecked, bed sores can lead to serious illness and even death. Here are some of the major things you should be concerned about when dealing with this type of injury.

16 July 2018

Recovering From A Broken Hip? How Short-Term Rehabilitation Can Help Your Recovery


If you're recovering from a broken hip, and you wanted to return home, you might be disappointed at the prospect of heading to a short-term rehabilitation facility instead. You may be thinking that you'd be more comfortable at home, or that you'd recover more quickly in the comfort of your own home. While that might be true in some instances, it's not true for all instances. Your situation might be one of those situations where you'll be better off spending a few weeks in a short-term rehabilitation facility, especially if your doctor has recommended the rehab center.

15 July 2018

The Safety Benefits Of Assisted Living Facilities


When seniors begin experiencing problems caring for themselves, their adult children often encourage them to move to an assisted living facility. These facilities offer so many outstanding benefits for seniors, but one benefit that is often overlooked is the safety offered at these communities. Here are several things you should know about the safety that assisted living facilities offer to the residents. The communities are safe overall The first thing to understand is that safety is a normal feature of these facilities.

11 July 2018